Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Brief History of Chocolate in North America

It’s no secret, just about all of us love chocolate! We love it in everything from cake to ice cream, even in some savory dishes, and often just on its own. But chocolate, as most of us well know, is nothing new. In fact, chocolate has been around for thousands of years. Here’s a brief history.

Chocolate has come a long way to become the sweet, milky product most people associate it with today. Mesoamericans have been eating or drinking chocolate for 3,000 years, but rather than reserve it for tasty treats chocolate was often used medicinally to treat everything from fatigue and indigestion to dysentery. Eaten in a far darker form than most of us are used to, chocolate was often grainy and bitter, and only mildly sweetened on occasion.

It wasn’t until 1875 that a candlemaker named Daniel Peter would invent a process that mixed chocolate with milk. Adding some extra sugar to his invention to make it more palatable, Peter invented what we now consider to be the modern milk chocolate bar. Peter became a chocolatier, and his company eventually merged with Nestle, leading to his invention being rebranded as the Nestle chocolate bar. His invention was so popular that companies like Hershey and Cadbury, who had already been producing darker chocolate bars, began releasing their own version of the new milk chocolate bar that quickly became the consumer’s chocolate of choice.

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